Who I am

My musical journey begins at the age of 6, with the study of the piano, but the first concert experiences come around the age of 15 as a lead singer in rock bands engaged in proposing some of the most popular and demanding covers of this gender; at the same time also the approach of studying electric bass and the battery.
At the age of 17 I started feeling the need to compose my music, but at the same time I also understand that in order to express myself fully I had to strengthen my knowledge in the field of vocalism. Therefore, I embarked on my way of study that still fascinates me and pushes me to the continuous search for new horizons.

At first, I study at modern singing schools in Milan (Vocal classes by Luca Jurman), Ferrara and Verona (LAMS, with Karin Mensah); then I deepen the new vocal techniques thanks to teaching of Dr. Franco Fussi (phonologist of the most famous Italian and foreign singers), Danila Satragno and Luca Pitteri (both vocal coach of "Amici di Maria De Filippi").
The solo experience is flanked by the presence in some choirs among which is the training with "Damavoci Gospel Singers" (directed by Paola Mattiazzi) with whom I performed for 8 years receiving important consents during numerous performances in theaters, churches and squares.

Over the years I have deepened my knowledge of different musical genres, thus coming to compare myself, as well as with the classics of Italian music, also with repertoires in different foreign languages ( Portuguese, English, French and Arabic ). To complete the artistic training are coming some experiences in front of the cameras, thanks to a TV show on Italia 1 (with Giuseppe Fiorello and Antonella Elia) and some music videos for the Seene films (MTV production).

My relevant experience was certainly together with Enrico Zapparoli (guitarist of MODA') , with whom in the arc of 2001 I had the opportunity to perform with a repertoire of covers. Like an author and composer of unpublished tracks, I currently have 2 CDs available on the main online Stores. For many years I am working as a vocal-coach with the recording studio Cat Sound Studio.

Parallel to my career as a soloist, I have been proposing myself as vocal-coach (in the Veneto region of Italy) for years, working on the coding of my own method which highlights the therapeutic properties of the singing studio. From this moment, appear the interest of the magazine "Salute e Benessere" for which, during 2006, I write several articles for the section "The Therapeutic Song".

Let's talk about...

Vocal technical training

The bases for the formation of vocal technique reside primarily in the education of the management respiratory mechanics. Secondly, in the search for your own sound, rather the material on which the teacher will then go to work. All this, because the purpose during the performance of a singer is to resonate the listener's body, that is, to convey the own proprioceptive sensations on the body of the other. The singer conveys on his listeners, besides the message conveyed by his words also his neuro-sense-motor perceptions, so he must possess naturalness, vocal ability and a good interpretation.
That's why it is absolutely necessary to know each other, to know your abilities and vocal limits. All the voices that by nature are endowed with significant singing skills must be educated, because sooner or later they will end up wearing out consequently to their exaggerated and wrong use.
Even talking seems an easy and natural action, but very often the voices are ruined also only in this way. It really gives too little importance to the sound breath coordination, the study of singing in this sense rearranges the respiratory disorder, the correct pronunciation of a language, both as free from errors (ortoepia) and as free from phonation defects (orthophony).

Vocal stylistic training

Almost everyone at the beginning of their singing career begin to vibrate their vocal cords on rock songs or even imitating singers of the highest level of pop and light music that are reaching high notes maybe not suitable for their own vocal range.
It is natural that for learning to swim you do not do it on the shore, but exposing yourself in such stylistic extremes with similar virtuosity is neither easy nor an effective remedy, especially if you don't know how to use it. If we realize the stress and the damage we get, perhaps we will no longer dare to flinch too lightly. A hobby remains always a hobby, but when you practice it often, certainly you should know a little more about this. Unfortunately, very often it happens that only after years of career some of them come to take care of vocal technique and introduce themselves to the teacher, bringing the interpretative modalities that derive even from the imitation of the timbre of other performers!
It's obviously about pure amateurism that must be respected but that prevents an individual search for an emission appropriate to your own body and vocal qualities by placing limits sometimes pressing on voices that could sing something else. No one should take away the choice of singing the repertoire of their favorite singer, but a qualified and objective external ear, after having rediscovered the true timbre of the person, could be essential to recommend a different vocal style, approaching new musical styles. When a voice is educated, it gives an origin to its own style and the search for musical repertoires adapted to its physiological needs becomes natural.

Singing as therapy

The saying "sing and everything will pass" is perfect and describes the function of singing. The voice is an expression of our physical and mental state; to be able to develop it and improve it together with the spoken act (of course we have to use correctly the last one) it could awake in us a truly amazing wellness. Whether for a professional purpose or only to test our skills, I find in my method the goal of rearranging slightly disordered physics, increasing self-esteem and security through knowledge. Improving the psycho-physical health through the correct united breathing with a conscience of own body and own eating habits (which can cause gastro esophageal reflux, headaches, insomnia, sore throat, menstrual pains, etc ...) can improve also in addition to its image, our voice output. Abdominal diaphragmatic breathing is just one of those essential fundamentals of singing that, if taught correctly, bring many benefits among which are improvements of pressure problems, fatigue, posture and stress.
Besides, deepening our emotional states and expressing the doubts and uncertainties that we think we have in our voice we can learn to overcome our fears and our shyness finding support in our voice even in everyday life.
A harmonious sound that comes out of our mouth with confidence, gives us confidence in every situation. Singing is liberating, reloading the cerebral cortex with its ability to stimulate as it is one of the most effective means of recharging the nervous system; a sound correctly emitted by a singer even offers the possibility to excite the pineal gland and the pituitary, the main endocrine gland that processes important hormones.
Approaching the experience of singing could even bring to be ill less or never; to know your body, know how to express and manage it (as well as protect) makes you and the people around happy.

Contact me!

Live Exhibitions, Vocal Coaching and Author

The passion for singing has led me to face up to different experiences, as an interpreter and as a teacher; but after several years of activity I felt the need to express myself further trying to convey my emotions through songs that came out of my soul.
From here the ralization of my first cd entitled "Quello che Rimane": twelve new tracks written by me with multiple musical and interpretive nuances where I had the luck and the pleasure to collaborate with some of the musicians with whom I had my artistic adventure in these years; professionals who, besides being undoubtedly high-quality performers, are primarily people endowed with that humanity which is a key ingredient in those bands with a "more gear". So I find it right to mention my "travel friends":
- Mario Marcassa (bass guitar)
- David Cremoni (guitar)
- Graziano Beggio (piano)
- Gianluca Raisi (drums)

My CD: "Quello che rimane" Buy online now!
Live concert with one of my groups
Damavoci Gospel Singers (directed by Paola Matiazzi)
Vocal Coaching
Duet with James Monque'd (Blues icon of New Orleans)
My column "The therapeutic song" about "Salute e Benessere"


In this section you will find some videos of my interpretations and original songs.

Proud Mary (cover)
Woman in Love (cover)
Figlio del Mare (original)
Messaggio d'amore (cover)
On My Own (cover)